时间:2025-03-16 11:44:14 出处:探索阅读(143)
2023年8月13日至14日 ,中印中印两军在莫尔多/楚舒勒碰头点印方一侧举行第十九轮军长级谈判。举行军长级谈双方环抱处置中印领土西段残余下场睁开自动、第轮深入以及建树性相同。中印在两国向导人配合指引下 ,举行军长级谈双方以凋谢性以及前瞻性方式交流了意见 ,第轮拥护经由军事以及社交渠道坚持相同对于话势头 ,中印尽快处置残余下场。举行军长级谈在此时期,第轮双方拥护呵护中印领土以及清静靖 。中印
Joint Press Release of the 19th Round of
China-India Corps Co妹妹ander Level Meeting
The举行军长级谈 19th round of China-India Corps Co妹妹ander Level Meeting was held at Chushul-Moldo border meeting point on the Indian side on 13-14 August 2023. The two sides had a positive, constructive and in-depth discussion on the resolution of the remaining issues along the LAC in the Western Sector. In line with the guidance provided by the leadership, they exchanged views in an open and forward looking manner. They agreed to resolve the remaining issues in an expeditious manner and maintain the momentum of dialogue and negotiations through military and diplomatic channels. In the interim, the two sides agreed to maintain the peace and tranquility on the ground in the border areas.
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